A large parte of the activities organized in the context of the EIHRSCaD JM Chair consists in the delivery of a variety of high-profile and innovative academic courses, as well as other learning opportunities. More specifically, the project’s implementation envisages the following activities:

  • Intensive Course on “Human Rights in Conflicts and Disasters”: a five-day (38 hours) course to be held each year, open to academics and practitioners;
  • Internal Courses: eight courses on international and EU law applicable to emergency situations, covering human rights law, int.l humanitarian law, climate change law, int.l disaster law, int.l criminal law, offered at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD level;
  • Workshops: at least two on topics relevant to the project’s topics;
  • Legal Clinic: activities involving students and aimed at assisting humanitarian/human rights organizations in the relevant areas.

You can find more detailed information on these activities and on the teaching staff in the dedicated pages, by clicking on the buttons above.